Thank You, Local Government Leaders

Every day, leaders of cities, counties, and state agencies are having an incredible impact on our communities. There’s no better time than Public Service Recognition Week to recognize your tireless efforts throughout the whole year.

So, thank you, local government leaders for your dedication!

Our customers inspire us through the important strategic work of budgeting, permitting and licensing, and procurement that ensures their government agencies meet the day-to-day and long-term needs of their communities. Leaders are driven by an ethos of service, and we are driven by a passion for our mission to power more effective and accountable government. 

In our 2022 State of Local Government Survey (You can download it here.), we asked leaders to share, “What brings meaning to your job — what makes you excited to come to work everyday?” 

As we continue to celebrate Public Service Recognition Week, we’re excited to share some responses in hopes of inspiring you.

We hope their motivations and stories will act to affirm your work as well! Bookmark this page for when you need a little boost to power through a hard day or a tough project. After all, leading local governments and state agencies are the most important jobs there are.


What brings meaning to your role as a local government leader?

“I get to work on various projects unrelated to each other, make decisions, collaborate with internal and external stakeholders; learn every day and serve my community.”

“Every day is a challenge and new situations arise. Not one day is mundane or stagnant. I love being able to go home personally satisfied with the work that I do and the expertise I bring to the table.”

(The City of Danbury and Colerain Township agree!)

“Change, variety, and the ability to serve our residents in the best way possible.”LINK TO East PROV video 

“Honoring the trust of our community to be sure we maximize the value for the city with every dollar we spend – and do it in a way the process is totally transparent.” INSERT LINK TO JOHANNA FROM TUCSON VIDEO 

(Variety. Transparency. Services. All are happening in Tucson, AZ and in East Providence, RI.)

“Being able to bring good financial practices to the administration and then to help implement those for better long-range planning and vision.” Link to Minnie video

“The people and community I work with.”

“Successfully implementing projects and process improvements. Analyzing data in excel for trends and forecasts of revenues.”

“It’s exciting to come to work and make meaningful changes on how the city operates, whether that’s by providing better information or changing processes.”

“Meeting key performance objectives; implementing changes that improve productivity; potential for improvement in work environment.”

Celebrating Local Government

Again, we wish you a happy Public Service Recognition Week. For more inspiration to power you through this day, week, and year, download our 2022 State of Local Government Survey.

Category: Thought Leadership

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