3 Ways to Modernize and Simplify with Short-Term Rental Registration Software

December 15, 2022 – OpenGov

Rental regulation continues to be an evolving and complex area for local governments, due to the rise of short-term rental (STR) management platforms (Thanks, Airbnb!). As of the end of 2022, more than 44 million short-term rental properties are listed in the United States. Local government responses are as expansive as that number, ranging from no regulation to completely banning STRs. 

vacation rental app view

What can be agreed on: Most communities still need to figure out the best way to approach this complex issue that affects important factors such as zoning and economic development. In a survey of 800 local government officials,* only 25% have rules in place, 53% have no rules, 16% were actively adopting new practices, and 6% were unsure.

No matter where you are in developing or implementing short-term rental regulations in your community, consider these three ways to modernize and simplify with short-term rental registration software

RELATED: Learn how much time North Canton, OH saved after moving its process to short-term rental management software.

1: Encourage community involvement and feedback.

Before, during, and after regulations are implemented, gather public comment to maintain a pulse on residents’ perspectives, priorities, and concerns. Collect opinions on neighborhood impacts, enforcement efforts, and revenue collection. Then, use this feedback to inform your decision-making and define planning objectives, such as policy measures, planning and zoning ordinances, and regulation processes. This also builds trust with your community by allowing their feedback and opinion to guide policy. 

2. Provide clear and accessible guidelines.

Create informational materials for hosts, renters, and residents. These can answer FAQs in a digestible format that can be accessed by anyone, from anywhere using short-term rental management software. Information could include important highlights, such as application types and processes, fee schedules, complaint filing, transferability, boundaries/zoning, contact information, and FAQs. This will clarify questions for community members, increase short-term rental compliance, and lower barriers of entry for those looking to apply for a short-term rental permit or license. Everyone wins.

Easily manage all short-term rental licensing, including vacation rental licenses, with the OpenGov short term rental licensing portal.

3. Share data through reporting.

Using the right short-term rental registration software, users can access property registration, payment, inspection, and complaint data to better manage operations and identify trends. Save, share, and export data across teams and for the public. In-application reporting enables management and staff to manage workloads, identify unscheduled tasks and overdue inspections, reconcile payments, view waived fees, and track inspection outcomes. The best part: You can also track important KPIs, such as economic impact, revenue generated, and geographic concentration to share with your community. 

RELATED: Learn more about effective short-term management software implementation through our guide for local governments.

Regulation can be complex. Short-term rental registration software can simplify it. 

OpenGov Citizen Services delivers an all-in-one cloud solution to streamline processes from intake through issuance. Our short-term rental registration software features a user-friendly constituent portal that is seamlessly connected to your data and approval rules. If you’re looking to launch a program like this one, let us help you design an efficient process that is easy to use for both citizens and staff. Request a demo today to learn more. 

*All cited statistics taken from Host Compliance and Jeffrey B. Goodman‘s presentation in: “Webinar: The Best Practice Guide to Crafting a Short-Term Rental Ordinance/Bylaw.” Hosted by: iCompass

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