Another One Bites the Dust: Dealing with Turnover in the Procurement Office

If your procurement office hasn’t already been touched by the Great Resignation, it may soon be. And whether or not this particular cultural trend impacts your procurement team, employee turnover is always a possibility.

Not only does turnover create the headache of having to, well, procure a new employee, it can also cause a cascade of negative consequences: 

  • the loss of procurement process knowledge and know-how; 
  • increased workload on others, potentially triggering additional employee departures;
  • and the need to train new employees.

The good news is that you can help prevent all of these negative consequences of employee turnover in your procurement office by modernizing your processes. With an end-to-end collaborative eProcurement system, you needn’t worry about the loss of process knowledge because the system has a defined, automated workflow. 

When your organization needs to procure services, goods, or a project of work,  solicitation stakeholders only have to answer the solicitation set up questions in the system that are predefined by your agency, and the platform automatically writes the RFx.

This easy workflow also means there’s little to no training needed. And even if your office is short staffed, with a process this user friendly your team won’t be overburdened.

The right procurement software also significantly speeds up the procurement process and helps your procurement team have a greater strategic impact on your organization. When you empower your employees in these ways, they’re happier. They stop eyeing the exit. 

Take a look at how the right procurement software has improved procurement processes and results at some of your peers’ offices.

Two Local Governments Improve All Aspects of Procurement with EProcurement System

Skeptical that an eprocurement system can save you from the challenges of training new employees?

It’s true. That’s exactly what happened when the City of Banning, California, in Riverside County adopted OpenGov Procurement. One of their new employees created a perfect RFP despite having no training by simply following the guides and steps within the OpenGov Procurement platform.

That kind of frictionless ease-of-use takes the sting out of having to replace a long-standing procurement office employee. 

Or imagine how happy your procurement staff will be when they can create an RFP in one day and when vendor selection and contract fulfillment begins in just a matter of days. That’s just one of the changes the City of Milpitas experienced after implementing the OpenGov Procurement solution.

These kinds of wins help your team feel like they have real power to effectively serve the public, and that pride translates to employee retention.

With OpenGov Procurement, you can also relieve your employees of the burden of carrying heavy stacks and boxes of paper around or spending so much time printing files. A cloud-based platform, our procurement software suite enables your employees to work in an office free of paper clutter — or from home. 

Other Advantages Your Procurement Office Can Achieve with the Right Procurement Software

Reducing employee turnover and eliminating the negative effects of it may not be the only worries you have as a procurement officer. 

Perhaps your city or agency has so many procurement contracts in effect that managing everything keeps you awake at night. 

With an eProcurement platform, you achieve a bird’s-eye view into all active and historical contracts across your organization. Likewise, you’ll have a simplified view into contract and vendor spend via a single-source of truth.

You can also set reminders so that you never miss an upcoming expiration deadline. 

Or perhaps the thought of creating a new RFx causes dread—Tedious copying/pasting, hunting down job specific requirements, interdepartmental finger-pointing, etc… Our software can help with that too. The platform has a shared scope-of-work library with 1,000s of boilerplate templates from your agency and other governments so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel with each new request.

Do you need a special functionality for your procurement platform? Our procurement software is also customizable for your organization’s specific needs.

The one problem our software may create for your procurement office is that you’re going to have to find new things to worry about. 

After all, when you increase RFx development speed by 3x, receive 3-4x more completed, qualified bids, and no longer have to spend as much time on training employees, you’re going to have to start tackling higher-level strategic initiatives and challenges. 

Those are the kind of worries we want for you. And who knows? We might be able to help you with these higher-level problems too. 

Before we get too far ahead of ourselves, you should first preview your future of administrative ease and organizational impact by requesting a demo of OpenGov Procurement. 

Category: Procurement

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